Emergency Lighting
What is Emergency Lighting?
When the main power supply is disconnected or damaged, and standard electrical illumination fails, emergency lighting is used. A fire or a power outage could cause a loss of mains electricity. Without emergency lighting, this could result in sudden darkness and potential danger to occupants, either physically or psychologically.
Emergency lighting is typically required to operate fully automatically and provide sufficient illumination to allow all occupants to evacuate the premises safely.

Emergency Light testing
Even with emergency lighting installed, the reality is that these systems can modify and fault over time; this is why we advise regular inspection and testing of your emergency lighting. How does testing help? If faults or damage are found, they can be identified and fixed before they are used in the case of an emergency.

How does Emergency Light testing help you?
Compliance with fire safety regulations
Guarantee emergency lighting activates when required
Ensuring systems are functioning fully
Reduced risk and enhance protection for your employees